Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Kyle Menary Wins the Turner Award for 2010 Best Thesis
Kyle Menary, a Fall 2010 summa Honors B.A. graduate in Psychology, has been selected as the recipient of the John E. Turner Award for the Best Undergraduate CLA Honors Project submitted in 2010. His summa thesis, "The Prevalence and Clinical Implications of Self-Medication among Individuals with Anxiety Disorders," was judged the most outstanding of a field of thirteen nominated by their respective CLA departments. To place Kyle's accomplishment into perspective, he is the first Psychology Honors graduate to receive this recognition since the Turner Award was established in 1988. The award was named for the late John E. Turner, a Regent's Professor of Political Science and a great supporter of Honors and its students.
Kyle's thesis was mentored by Dr. Matt Kushner, Department of Psychiatry. The letter of nomination was co-written by Drs. Kushner and Luciana. Monica mentored Kyle through her research lab from his first year on campus.
A $200 honorarium also accompanies the award.
Kyle has been invited to be recognized by the Department at the 2011 Psychology Undergraduate Celebration to take place on Friday, May 6th at the Campus Club, Coffman Memorial Union, along with other award recipients and Spring 2011 graduating seniors.